Lettuce Build Gardens!
Join GRuB in Gifting Gardens
For many years, GRuB has held a one-day, garden-build-a-thon on the first Saturday in May. Known most recently as May There Be Gardens, this event brings together teams of community members who fundraise, build gardens, and celebrate our community.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had to rethink the way we do a lot of our work. While we aren’t holding May There Be Gardens this year, we are still gifting gardens. In fact, we’re poised to increase our annual spring garden-building more than threefold—gifting 150 gardens to households with scarce financial resources.
These challenging times call for more home reliance and more healthy, local foods as well as more mutual aid and generosity. So we’re pivoting our garden-building model so we can gift more gardens to more community members.
We invite you to join us in raising $30,000 this spring. $250 will provide a household with a raised-bed or container garden offering 20 square feet of garden space.
- Make a one time gift of any amount.
- Become a recurring donor. $20.83/month for one year = one garden!
- Join forces with your friends, pool your resources, and sponsor a garden together.