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November 9, 2023

Welcome new folks to the GRuB team!

Welcome new folks to the GRuB team!

The GRuB team has recently grown by five people since 2022! Read on to learn more about these fine individuals, and what talents they bring to the GRuB family.

Sahfir Anderson, Operations Coordinator

Born in California, but at home in Washington, Sahfir traveled the country at a young age picking up a deep sense of respect for the arts, native plant life and community. With experience in wellness consulting, sound therapy and activism, his hope is to continue to challenge the systems which continue to marginalize and exclude the communities whose lives would be positively impacted by GRuB's mission statement. The prospect of working closer with the land and the people who feed it back, make his efforts worthwhile.

Samara Gonzales, SNAP-Ed Research Assistant

Samara Gonzalez, MSN calls the entire west coast, from Alaska to Mexico, her home but has planted some sturdy roots in Olympia. And one day she would love to live in Hawaii so she can eat sweet, ripe papaya anytime! Samara lives with her best friend (and fiancé!), two amazing kitties, 3 chickens, 1 handsome rooster, and 4 fish! She has the best sister in the whole world and loves her family dearly. Making, sharing, and eating food together has always been important to her cultural identity. She is passionate about sustainable local food systems that are inclusive, culturally relevant, and community focused; food sovereignty is for everyone! Samara loves sharing good food and feeding people, mind, body, and soul! She enjoys dancing, meditating, being her wild self, and finding beauty in the world around her every day.

Jennah Kemp, Farmer Veteran Project Specialist

Jennah joined the GRuB community in 2019 as lead garden builder for GRuB's Garden Project. In 2023, she stepped into a new role as Farmer Veteran Project Specialist, where she will get to foster relationships with beginning Veteran farmers. As a Navy Veteran who struggled establishing roots and finding community in and out of the military, Jennah is passionate about creating supportive and equitable spaces for people to come together. Outside of GRuB, Jennah loves spending time with her sweet pup; hiking and foraging; creating and enjoying art; and growing, preparing, and eating delicious food!

Beth Provo, Campaign and Events Manager

As a long time community member, Beth has aligned her career with working to create positive social change. She has been a business owner, community organizer, project manager and program developer both internationally and regionally. For over 12 years she worked in disadvantaged communities in India developing fair trade product with a women’s co-op and organic farmers. Beth worked for a social enterprise aiming to alleviate poverty and advance gender equality in West Africa through the use of fair trade indigenous resources and community empowerment initiatives. She is passionate about collaborating and connecting with people to help drive social change for a more equitable future. Beth first became involved with GRuB volunteering on the farm when her daughter was a toddler. She immediately felt welcomed into the community and loved being on the land. She is thrilled to be in this role to support GRuB’s impactful work and mission.

Dreama Rose, Lead Garden Builder

Dreama has been digging their hands in the soil on and off for the past 6 years and is a huge mental health advocate. Dreama believes working with the land and healing our relationship with the land can lead to healing the relationship we have with ourselves and others. From their life experiences they have an understanding that not everyone has access to resources that aid in overall wellbeing. This is why they are excited and determined to create more accessibility and resources for those in the community through the GRuB Garden Project! Dreama also enjoys painting, poetry, wildlife and seeking adventure whenever possible!

We are so delighted that these wonderful individuals are sharing their energy and time with GRuB! 💚🌱

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