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November 9, 2023

GRuB Health Guidelines, Updated 6/6/2023

GRuB Health Guidelines, Updated 6/6/2023

The following is a summary of GRuB’s Health Guidelines. Please reach out if you would like further details.

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and hot water. Always wash hands after using the restroom, before eating, after taking out the trash/recycling/compost, and after working out on the farm.
  • If you are not feeling well, please stay home. 
  • If you are feeling well enough to attend in-person GRuB programming/events and are experiencing symptoms of common contagious airborne diseases such as colds, flus, and COVID-19, please refrain from attending events/programming until:
  1. At least five days have past since symptoms began or since you tested positive for COVID-19  AND 
  2. Symptoms improve AND
  3. You have been without a fever (defined as temp at or above 100 degrees fahrenheit) for at least 24 hrs. Temperature should be measured when not using fever reducing medications.
  • While people you share housing with are experiencing symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19,
  1. Monitor your health closely
  2. If symptoms do not begin, you may continue coming to GRuB programming/events as long as you continue testing negative for COVID-19 and wear a well fitted N95 or KN95 mask.
  3. If you test positive or begin experiencing symptoms, stay home and follow the guidelines in the 3rd bullet above.
  • Masking is now optional at GRuB indoors and outdoors, UNLESS
  1. Someone you are with asks you to mask. There are many valid reasons why people wear face masks and we respect their decision and their needs, no questions asked. You are encouraged to continue to ask folks’ comfort level with being unmasked around them and honor their wishes.
  2. The person leading the event/programming announces otherwise in order to provide a requested accommodation
  • Masking indoors is encouraged during peak cold/flu season and COVID-19 spikes
  • GRuB will continue to provide free masks and COVID-19 test kits as available to anyone who needs them.

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